This is a low level fitting function, for SEMSummary.
use = c("fiml", "pairwise.complete.obs", "complete.obs")
A list with S3 class “SEMSummary”
- names
A character vector containing the variable names.
- n
An integer vector of the length of each variable used (this includes available and missing data).
- nmissing
An integer vector of the number of missing values in each variable.
- mu
A vector of the arithmetic means of each variable (on complete data).
- stdev
A numeric vector of the standard deviations of each variable (on complete data).
- Sigma
The numeric covariance matrix for all variables.
- sSigma
The numeric correlation matrix for all variables.
- coverage
A numeric matrix giving the percentage (technically decimal) of information available for each pairwise covariance/correlation.
- pvalue
The two-sided p values for the correlation matrix. Pairwise present N used to calculate degrees of freedom.