A data frame drawn from a daily diary study, conducted at Monash University in 2017 where young adults old completed measures up to three times per day (morning, afternoon, and evening) for about 12 days. Thus each participant contributed about 36 observations to the dataset. To protect participant confidentiality and anonymity, the data used here were simulated from the original data, but in such a way as to preserve the relations among variables and most features of the raw data.
A data frame containing 19 variables.
- UserID
A unique identifier for each individual
- SurveyDay
The date each observation occured on
- SurveyInteger
The survey coded as an integer (1 = morning, 2 = afternoon, 3 = evening)
- SurveyStartTimec11
Survey start time, centered at time since 11am
- Female
A 0 or 1 variable, where 1 = female and 0 = male
- Age
Participant age in years, top coded at 25
- BornAUS
A 0 or 1 variable where 1 = born in Australia and 0 = born outside of Australia
- SES_1
Participants subjective SES, bottom coded at 4 and top coded at 8
Participants level of education (1 = university graduate or higher, 0 = less than university graduate
- SOLs
Self-reported sleep onset latency in minutes, morning survey only
Self-reported number of wakenings after sleep onset, top coded at 4, morning survey only
Overall stress ratings on a 0–10 scale, repeated 3x daily
Overall social support ratings on a 0–10 scale, repeated 3x daily
- PosAff
Positive affect ratings on a 1–5 scale, repeated 3x daily
- NegAff
Negative affect ratings on a 1–5 scale, repeated 3x daily
Problem focused coping on a 1–4 scale, repeated 1x daily at the evening survey
Emotional processing coping on a 1–4 scale, repeated 1x daily at the evening survey
Emotional exprsesion coping on a 1–4 scale, repeated 1x daily at the evening survey
Mental disengagement coping on a 1–4 scale, repeated 1x daily at the evening survey