Convert a correlation matrix and standard deviations to a covariance matrix
This is a simple function designed to convert a correlation matrix
(standardized covariance matrix) back to a covariance matrix.
It is the opposite of cov2cor
# using a built in dataset
cor2cov(cor(longley), sapply(longley, sd))
#> GNP.deflator GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces Population
#> GNP.deflator 116.45762 1063.6041 625.8666 349.0254 73.50300
#> GNP 1063.60412 9879.3537 5612.4370 3088.0428 685.24094
#> Unemployed 625.86663 5612.4370 8732.2343 -1153.7876 446.27415
#> Armed.Forces 349.02537 3088.0428 -1153.7876 4843.0410 176.40981
#> Population 73.50300 685.2409 446.2742 176.4098 48.38735
#> Year 50.92333 470.9779 297.3033 138.2433 32.91740
#> Employed 36.79666 343.3302 164.9103 111.7681 23.46197
#> Year Employed
#> GNP.deflator 50.92333 36.79666
#> GNP 470.97790 343.33021
#> Unemployed 297.30333 164.91027
#> Armed.Forces 138.24333 111.76811
#> Population 32.91740 23.46197
#> Year 22.66667 16.24093
#> Employed 16.24093 12.33392
# should match the above covariance matarix
#> GNP.deflator GNP Unemployed Armed.Forces Population
#> GNP.deflator 116.45763 1063.6041 625.8666 349.0254 73.50300
#> GNP 1063.60412 9879.3537 5612.4370 3088.0428 685.24094
#> Unemployed 625.86663 5612.4370 8732.2343 -1153.7876 446.27415
#> Armed.Forces 349.02537 3088.0428 -1153.7876 4843.0410 176.40981
#> Population 73.50300 685.2409 446.2742 176.4098 48.38735
#> Year 50.92333 470.9779 297.3033 138.2433 32.91740
#> Employed 36.79666 343.3302 164.9103 111.7681 23.46197
#> Year Employed
#> GNP.deflator 50.92333 36.79666
#> GNP 470.97790 343.33021
#> Unemployed 297.30333 164.91027
#> Armed.Forces 138.24333 111.76811
#> Population 32.91740 23.46197
#> Year 22.66667 16.24093
#> Employed 16.24093 12.33392
all.equal(cov(longley), cor2cov(cor(longley), sapply(longley, sd)))
#> [1] TRUE